Launch a job
If you want to launch a job, run this command : -f cimlib.cfg
Configuration file cimlib.cfg must be filled . An example of this file can be found in :
Options of script can be displayed by writting this command : -h
Options are :
-h -- display this help
-f -- parameters filename
-e -- executable full path
-p -- main filename
-n -- number of cores used
-o -- use oar scheduler
-r -- redirect output and error log in a file (if USE_OAR = false)
-w -- maximum duration of this job (if USE_OAR = true)
-a -- job identifier; launch this job after that another job (defined by job identifier) is finished (if USE_OAR = true)
Good to know
Cimlib executable (cimlib_driver) and Cimlib cluster script ( are automatically updated after each update of master branch of cimlib git project.
From any of your directory, you can launch theses commands :
So it’s not necessary to download cimlib git project and compile it if you just want to use it.
CimLib git project is hosted on
If you want to access to this project, you have to send a request by email at
Then you can download it by writting on linux console (ConEmu or Putty on Windows) :
git clone
Requirements to compile cimlib
CMake 3.7.0 or higher
GIT 2.14 or higher
Windows : Check that environment variable “path” contains GIT binary path (c:\program files\git\bin)
Check if your SSH public/private keys have been setted up
- Linux and MacOS : ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- Windows : c:/local/firstname.lastname/.ssh/ and c:/local/firstname.lastname/.ssh/id_rsa
- Otherwise, generate them with the following command :
- ssh-keygen -t rsa (press Enter for each question)
- Check if your SSH public key has been put on your gitlab account server ( => Settings at top right of page) => SSH keys at middle left of page)
- Compiler :
- Linux and MacOS : OpenMPI 1.10.7 and gcc 4.9.3 or higher
- Windows : Microsoft MPI V10.0 and Visual Studio 2015 or higher
- MTC (Cemef mesher)
- Sources are protected, send a request by email at to get headers and library.
- Check or set MTC_TSV_DIR environment variable (path to MTC)
- PetsC 3.8.4
- Linux and MacOS
- Compilation (assuming that $MPI_HOME={path_of_openmpi1.10.7}) :
./configure --with-mpi-shared=1 --with-x=0 --with-debugging=0 --with-mpi-dir=$MPI_HOME --download-f2cblaslapack PETSC_ARCH=linux PETSC_DIR=$PWD --with-shared-libraries COPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -mtune=native" CXXOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -mtune=native" FOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -mtune=native"
- Compilation (assuming that $MPI_HOME={path_of_openmpi1.10.7}) :
- Windows
- Compile PetsC with cygwin (
- Check or set PETSC_DIR and PETS_ARCH environment variables (path to PetsC and architecture used to compile PetsC)
- Linux and MacOS
- Theses libraries could be installed with PetsC (–download-f2cblaslapack)
- Check or set BLAS_LAPACK_DIR and BLAS_LAPACK_LIBRARIES environment variables (path to Lapack and libraries names, inside PetsC directory if installed with PetsC)
- The following libraries are optionals. They are automatically downloaded and installed during first compilation of cimlib :
- FELICIA : Cemef git project (including another mesher) downloadable at => branch cimlib
- VTK 8.2.0 : git project downloadable at => tag v8.2.0. Compiled with theses CMake arguments :
- HDF5 : git project downloadable at => branch master). Compiled with theses CMake arguments :
First compilation
Linux and MacOS
cd cimlib ./
Open “Windows Explorer”
Change to {path_to_cimlib}
Double click on build.bat
Compilation (after first compilation)
Linux and MacOS
cd cimlib/buildLinux cmake .. (optional, only if a new file has been added or if a cmake file has been modified) make -j4
Only if a new file has been added (*.cpp, *.h) or if a cmake file has been modified (*.cmake, CMakeLists.txt…)
Launch cmake-gui
Choose “{path_to_cimlib}” path as source (modifiy {path_to_cimlib})
Choose “{path_to_cimlib}/buildWindows” as destination
Configure (confirm creation of “buildWindows” directory, use default native compiler “Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64”)
Open buildWindows/cimlib.sln and generate solution (Release version)
Linux and MacOS
build/bin/cimlib_driver ⇒ cimlib executable
build/bin/ ⇒ script to launch cimlib executable in parrallel mode using OAR scheduler (launch -h to get informations)
buildWindows/bin/cimlib_driver ⇒ cimlib executable
buildWindows/bin/cimlib_run.bat ⇒ script to launch cimlib executable in parrallel mode using MSMPI (open a console launch cimlib_run.bat -h to get informations)
Add a new test
- Create directory containing your files in cimlib/tests
- Required files that the directory must contain :
- main.mtc (main file of test)
- CMakeLists.txt, example :
# Number of cores used by MPI
# Main code of test
include(cimlibTest) -
ref_{output_filename} (all output files that you want to compare prefixed by ref_ keyword)
- Reference files ref_{output_filename} can be defined in sub-directory (example results/ref_inc.vtf)
- If .mtc files contain output filename or mesh filename, cimlib will search path of these files by priority order :
- relative path of the file from output directory
- absolute path given by CIMLIB_INPUT_DIRECTORY environment variable
- absolute path given by CIMLIB_DATABASE environment variable
- Examples of meshes and parameters files for partioner (*.t, partit.txt, remaille.txt, decale.txt, partit_ameliore.txt) are in database cimlib/data/meshes and cimlib/data/mesher_parameters_files
Launch tests
Linux and MacOS
- Go to into build directory
- Launch all tests in verbose mode :
ctest -V
Fifth test :
ctest -V -I 5,5
Fifth to tenth test :
ctest -V -I 5,10
Specify test using regular expression. For example, all tests containing solver substring :
ctest -V -R solver
Launch all tests in verbose mode :
generate RUN_ALL_TESTS solution under visual
One test
launch cmake-gui, select TEST you want, configure, generate
open buildWindows/cimlib.sln or update project and generate RUN_{test-name} solution
Run cimlib
A configuration file must be created (template of configuration file : cimlib/data/scripts/cimlib.cfg)
Linux and MacOs
cd cimlib/build/bin
- -f cimlib.cfg
Windows (with a cmd console or ConEmu)
cd cimlib/buildWindows/bin
cimlib_run.bat -f cimlib.cfg
####################################### # Cimlib configuration file # # Usage : -f cimlib.cfg # ####################################### # Executable full path (default /softs/cimlib/bin/cimlib_driver) EXECUTABLE /softs/cimlib/bin/cimlib_driver # Main MTC filename (default main.mtc) MAIN_FILENAME Lanceur.mtc # Input path (default ./) INPUT_DIRECTORY "./" # Number of cores used (default 1) NUMBER_CORES_USED 1 # Number of nodes used (default empty, means arbitrary nodes) NUMBER_NODES_USED # Name of MPI job (default CimLib_Test) MPI_JOB_NAME CimLib_Test # MPI wall time (seconds, default 3600) MPI_WALL_TIME 3600 # Scheduler property (only avalaible on linux cluster, default empty) # Examples of property on intel cluster : # "host='n-in45' or host='n-in53'" # "mem='128'" # "nbcores='28'" SCHEDULER_PROPERTY "nbcores='28'"
Debug cimlib
- Compile cimlib in debug mode
- Linux and MacOS
- cd cimlib/build
- ccmake .. => Press “t“, move to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, press “ENTER“, write Debug, press “ENTER“, press “c“, press “g“
- make -j4
- Windows
- open buildWindows/cimlib.sln, select Debug before compiling
- Linux and MacOS
- Check memory leaks and uninitialized variables (assuming that cimlib has been compiled in Debug mode)
- Linux and MacOS
- install valgrind tool (, already done on cemef cluster) with option with-mpicc={mpicc_path}
- prepare your case (*.mtc and cimlib.cfg)
- open cimlib.cfg and set theses lines (the second one is optional and available only on cemef cluster) :
- Linux and MacOS
COMMAND_BEFORE_EXECUTABLE "valgrind --leak-check=full --log-file=valgrind%p.log --show-reachable=yes --error-limit=no"
COMMAND_AFTER_JOB /usr/local/bin/
- run cimlib :
- -f cimlib.cfg
- filter valgrind*.log files by using this command (on cemef cluster, this step is automatically done by adding COMMAND_AFTER_JOB in cimlib.cfg) :
cimlib_valgrind_filter "valgrind*.log" (double quotes mandatory to take account of regular expression)
- open valgrindFiltered.log and parse issues